I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. — Maya Angelou

Rainy day? Books were made for rainy days and a cup of tea. Lost luggage? It’s not fun, but with a passport & credit card, we’ll still get to where we’re going. Tangled Christmas tree lights? Oh my. That calls for calm music, a quiet room, and a stiff drink.

What annoyance puts you on the naughty list? What’s your typical solution to trying situations? What everyday disasters do you float through and which put you right over the edge?

What’s going to be the straw that breaks a character’s back? Describe this meltdown from three perspectives: the character, someone close to them, and an outsider. What is similar and different?