“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in-between are the doors of perception.” Huxley

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a person who likes to snuggle in at home. There are few things I like better than a cup of tea (or glass of wine or whisky- I’m open), a good book, a dog (or two) on my lap and a fire in the fireplace. But I know that I have to get out into the world on occasion or I risk losing the limited social skills I have and the possibility of new experiences.

In the course of your story your character will have to step into the unknown if they’re going to grow and change. They may need to walk through a portal in a wardrobe, step into a space airlock, or sit at a new table in the school cafeteria. The step into the unknown may be terrifying or simply uneasy, but it’s the fact they are unbalanced that will cause them to evolve.

Write a scene where a character travels on their own for the first time. Or tries a new activity.

What unknown does your character face? What are their hopes about it? What are their fears?

What unknown are you facing as a creative person? What new thing can you try?