Exploring Creativity

Empty Spaces
"Pay attention to the gap - the gap between two thoughts, the brief, silent space between words in a conversation, between the notes of a piano or flute, or the gap between the in-breath and the...

Pieces of the Puzzle
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Vincent Van Gogh In my writing workshops I often remind people that change is not easy or quick. If your character goes from a...

The Unknown
"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in-between are the doors of perception." Huxley Anyone who knows me knows that I am a person who likes to snuggle in at home. There are few...

The Road Not Taken
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” Robert Frost Have you ever played that game? You know the one. You try and imagine what...

"There is little difference in being lost and exploring." Dan Eldon We've all had times when we wonder if we've lost our way. We had a destination in mind, but washed up on a shore we didn't expect....

Everyone is a customer for somebody or a supplier to somebody. -- W. Edwards Deming It's easy to think of a grocery store as just a place where you go to get food, but your grocery store is also a...

That's where they used to string up thieves who felt 'fine'. -- John Bridger The main thrust of the opening scenes of 2003 version of The Italian Job is the danger of getting complacent, of losing...

Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate. ― Thomas Aquinas How many times have you been lost in reading and come across an...

Advice in old age is foolish. For what can be more absurd than to increase our provisions for the road the nearer we approach our journey’s end? -- Marcus Tullius Cicero How often do you ask for...

Keep Austin Weird -- Red Wassenich, 2000, while pledging to an Austin radio station Depending on circumstances and expectations, being different can be a blessing or a curse. Extra tall or super...