There are places. Abandoned places. Forgotten places. These are the places I like to be. — Dawn Kurtagich

We can tell a lot about the things, places, and people we abandon in our life. Some are freeing. Perhaps you’ve rid yourself of a couple toxic friends, a closet full of clothing that doesn’t fit or you no longer like, and the small town you grew up in that made you feel small.

Sometimes we abandon things we’re ashamed of. Maybe you can no longer ignore feeling embarrassed by a friend’s lack of culture. Maybe the stuffed animal that has always sat on your bed used to make you feel better, but now it just feels childish. 

What has your character abandoned or wishes they had abandoned? Is there anything or anyone they wish they hadn’t abandoned? 

Has your character been abandoned? What triggered it? Was a third party involved? Describe the fallout and how it’s affecting your character.