The greatest tragedy for any human being is going through their entire lives believing the only perspective that matters is their own. — Doug Baldwin

Every new experience gives us a new way of seeing the world so it’s important to play with your characters’ and your own perspectives.

Interview someone that has had an illness or injury which required them to spend a couple days or weeks in a wheelchair. What did they learn?

Get down on the grass with a pet or child. What does the world look like from their eyes?

What perspective have you chosen to tell your story from? How would it be different if you told it from another character’s POV?

How would your character tell the story if they were reflecting back on it from years in the future?

How would your character describe their perspective on the world? How would others describe it?

Is there a perspective that your character is blind to? Do they need to gain awareness of this “blind-spot” to move forward in the story?